Shih Tzu Studs in Florida

If you are looking for a Shih Tzu in Florida for stud you have come to the right website as you can search by both breed and location here. If you can't find the stud you need be sure to check our breeder listings as they don't always advertise their individual stud dogs.


If you are in need of Shih Tzu stud services it will almost always require a contract. This will often require a fee or in some cases the 'pick of the litter'. There may also be time limits to your contract so be sure that the female is in heat and ready to mate and be sure to ask about the consequences of an unsuccessful breeding.

We provide a free ad service for dog breeders to advertise their Shih Tzu studs in Jacksonville, Miami, St Petersburg, Orlando, Tampa and anywhere else in Florida.

Milo is the one

Milo is the one
North Port, Florida 34287

When Milo was 6 months old we performed a wisdom panel on him and found out that our little man would produce some champions as he had them in his genetic history. It is our hope to one day to charge,...Read More

Cheryl's place

Cheryl's place
NEW PORT RICHEY, Florida 34653 3465

Shorkie poo. Duncan is a second generation of his kind. One year old. We call him a little Brad Pitt course he is so handsome. He is a shih Tzu, Yorkie, and Poodle. He is a very smart pup. He trained ...Read More

Nora Preston - Shih Tzu Stud

Nora Preston - Shih Tzu Stud
RIVERVIEW, Florida 33569 3356

Teddy Bear Pure Bred Shih Tzu for Stud, Born 1/15/2016 He is truly a teddy bear BLK/WH Shih Tzu 6 yrs old Very healthy and active. Weighs 10 pounds of pure love. AKC/CKC Registered DNA tested Proven s...Read More

Mary Mendoza

Mary Mendoza
Orlando, Florida 32824 3282

Tony is a 2 years and half old pure breed shih tzu, color: gold white 100% healthy. Playful and very strong, AMERICA'S PET REGISTRY. 16 pounds Tony has fathered 2 beautiful litters. FEE $200 To...Read More

Ninon Chancy - Shih Tzu Stud

Ninon Chancy - Shih Tzu Stud
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442

Sushi is my name. I am 5 years old, i weigh 9 pounds I fathered 9 litters already. My babies are like me, healthy and precious. I am calm, intelligent and friendly. My veterinary finds me in excellent...Read More

Looking for Female Liver - Shih Tzu Stud

Looking for Female Liver - Shih Tzu Stud
Miami, Florida 33126

Cosmo is an 12 month purebred liver ShihTzu. He is currently 13 pounds and his coloring is beige/gold with white. We are looking for another liver ShiTzu female to mate with him in the future. We ask ...Read More

Dan Gonzalez - Shih Tzu Stud

Dan Gonzalez - Shih Tzu Stud
Miami, Florida 33165

Looking for female to breed my male B&W Shih-Tzu, Up to date health and registration paperwork. $500 or pick of litter. Artificial insemination available. Chandler is one year old has a small body he...Read More

Gabi - Shih Tzu Stud

Gabi - Shih Tzu Stud
Miramar, Florida 33015

Toby is still a puppy, but we’re looking to see if anyone in the area is wanting to breed with Toby in the future. I require first pick. Toby is a 4 month old pure breed shih tzu. He has liver nose an...Read More