Shih Tzu for Stud

If you are looking for a Shih Tzu for stud you have come to the right website as you can search by both breed and location here. If you can't find the stud you need, be sure to check our breeder listings for availability as they don't always advertise their individual stud dogs.

If you are in need of Shih Tzu stud services it will almost always require a contract. This will often require a fee or in some cases the 'pick of the litter'. There may also be time limits to your contract so be sure that the female is in heat and ready to mate and be sure to ask about the consequences of an unsuccessful breeding. We provide a free ad service for stud dog breeders.

Milo is the one

Milo is the one
North Port, Florida 34287

When Milo was 6 months old we performed a wisdom panel on him and found out that our little man would produce some champions as he had them in his genetic history. It is our hope to one day to charge,...Read More

Diann Ford - Shih Tzu Stud

Diann Ford - Shih Tzu Stud
Dallas, Texas 75230 4901

Stud Service available -Shit Tzu AKC red and white, 14 pounds. Vet checked. Stud fee $800.. or possibly pick of litter. located in Dallas, Texas 75230. Dad was AKC Gold Champion. Long lineage of akc w...Read More

Leslie Barker - Shih Tzu Stud

Leslie Barker - Shih Tzu Stud
Cairnbrook, Pennsylvania 15924

This is Quincy with his new haircut.Quincy is looking for his first girlfriend.Low fee,since this will be his first time.He is a beautiful Gold Sable with black markings.He is very friendly and likes ...Read More

Iryna Nikolus - Shih Tzu Stud

Iryna Nikolus - Shih Tzu Stud
Chandler, Arizona 85248

My Shih Tzu Maltese boy (7 month ) ready for a date with your girl . He is healthy and happy boy with all vaccines.He has unique biscuit colour . Never been on dates before ,so it gonna be our first s...Read More

Elmonisha Raymond - Shih Tzu Stud

Elmonisha Raymond - Shih Tzu Stud
New Orleans, Louisiana 70072

Chocolate Liver shih tzu with hazel eyes. He is healthy weighting about 12lbs. He has been bred before. He’s very social and loves attention! He has a beautiful temperament. Please contact me: Elmokie...Read More

Cheryl's place

Cheryl's place
NEW PORT RICHEY, Florida 34653 3465

Shorkie poo. Duncan is a second generation of his kind. One year old. We call him a little Brad Pitt course he is so handsome. He is a shih Tzu, Yorkie, and Poodle. He is a very smart pup. He trained ...Read More

Annabelle - Shih Tzu Stud

Annabelle - Shih Tzu Stud
Downey, California 90242

I have 2 male Shihtzu available for stud. He is a proven stud. They both are fully vaccinated and are healthy. I also have an instagram where I post them southern_cali_shih_tzus Both my Shihtzus have...Read More

Nora Preston - Shih Tzu Stud

Nora Preston - Shih Tzu Stud
RIVERVIEW, Florida 33569 3356

Teddy Bear Pure Bred Shih Tzu for Stud, Born 1/15/2016 He is truly a teddy bear BLK/WH Shih Tzu 6 yrs old Very healthy and active. Weighs 10 pounds of pure love. AKC/CKC Registered DNA tested Proven s...Read More