When Milo was 6 months old we performed a wisdom panel on him and found out that our little man would produce some champions as he had them in his genetic history. It is our hope to one day to charge, my apologies thousands of dollars for his services as his temperament is loyal lovable, fantastic as a little man. He love to look out our front window always as a protected to let me, especially know, if our front door bell does not ring that Amazon or any delivery service has left a package, my hearing is getting worse as I get older, but milo hears everything. On that dollar amount above that we hope to charge one day, can be far less if we can get a black and white female or any female from your litter as we will also pay you a negotiated fee of 4--600 for that beautiful little girl as in December of 2024, NINA was put to sleep forever to go live with GOD across the rainbow bridge, MY BABY GIRL WAS IN MY LAP when the doctor injected her with the 3 syringes and my 15 year old baby girl whom I was her daddy was gone forever, my little baby girl. My APOLOGIES BUT I AM LEGALLY BLIND AND I TRIED 5 X TO UPLOAD PICTURES FROM OUR PHONE OF MILO. IF U TAKE A CHANCE ON ME AND CALL AND TEXT ME ON MY NUMBER, I WILL SEND U MILO OUR LITTLE MANS PICTURES.