Showing Trainers in the following cities and towns: Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Effingham, Lamar, Rembert, COLUMBIA, Darlington, between 4 and 103 miles from Charleston, South Carolina
Our specialty is in-home, one-on-one, customized dog training. Your dog spends about 95 percent of his lifetime in or around your house. Therefore, it only makes sense to train both of you in your normal surroundings. No two dogs are the same. No two owners ar...Read More
World leader in natural home dog training. Trained over 500,000 dogs of every issue/breed/age, using it's dog-friendly, natural methods. Offers guaranteed lifetime support. Vet recommended. SPCA International selected Bark Busters’ dog behavioral training ...Read More
We are a family business that believes in treating pets as family. We offer professional grooming to both cats & dogs. Our groomers are certified, our business is bonded & licensed. Our store has a variety of holistic treats and foods for your 4 legged...Read More
My name is Danielle I have been grooming for ten years. All animals, babies to the geriatrics, and all special needs are welcome. I offer a comfortable-home setting for your babies. I own and manage my own spot, so you don't have to worry about coming and ...Read More
Over 15 years experience with Labrador Retrieves and a lifetime of dogs. Adam has trained hunting dogs, hunt test dogs, and military bomb dogs. He is now offering training to the public for all-breed basic obedience, retriever and versatile dog hunting, and hu...Read More
Alan began training dogs at the age of 14 under the direction of Bruce Jackson (Mill Pond Kennels). Our primary goal is to produce a dog that will excel in the home and in the field. We train dogs of all breeds for obedience and we train gun dogs for upland h...Read More
I'm the breeder behind Ruff Crowd Kennels LLC located in the Charlotte, NC area. We have labs and they are Blockhead English. The larger size Labs that are more calm. Our dogs are bred for health temperament and intelligence. We strive to produce the best ...Read More
The Dog Hose Grooming Salon 221 Ash St Darlington SC 29532 Doesn't your dog deserve a spa day? Your dog gives you unconditional love. Treat him or her to a loving day at the spa. Pup pampering spa packages are available. Call to...Read More