Yorkshire Terrier Studs in California

If you are looking for a Yorkshire Terrier in California for stud you have come to the right website as you can search by both breed and location here. If you can't find the stud you need be sure to check our breeder listings as they don't always advertise their individual stud dogs.


If you are in need of Yorkie stud services it will almost always require a contract. This will often require a fee or in some cases the 'pick of the litter'. There may also be time limits to your contract so be sure that the female is in heat and ready to mate and be sure to ask about the consequences of an unsuccessful breeding.

We provide a free ad service for dog breeders to advertise their Yorkshire Terrier studs in Fresno, Oakland, San Diego, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Sacremento, Pomona, San Jose, Orange County and anywhere else in California.

Berenice - Yorkshire Terrier Stud

Berenice - Yorkshire Terrier Stud
Fresno, California 93650

AKC yorkshire terrier studs Both males have sweet personality AKC chocolate and tan male 2lbs AKC parti and gold carrier male 4lbs Both males produce tiny and cute puppies Pictures and videos upon req...Read More

Yorkie Wonderland

Yorkie Wonderland
Riverbank, California 95367 9536

Hello everyone! Meet Domino, our (Chocolate carrier) AKC Tri Parti Yorkie. Weighs 4 pounds. He is the sweetest little guy. He is social and very welcoming when guests come over. He has been tested th...Read More

Jennifer Lee

Jennifer Lee
Los Angeles, California 91324

Zoey is a beautiful chocolate and tan Yorkshire terrier. We are estimating her to stay very small! She comes with CKC registration, up to date on her shots and deworming and vet checked. She will turn...Read More

Trinket AKC Yorkies

Trinket AKC Yorkies
Moreno Valley, California 92557

Beautiful Traditional AKC Silky Yorkshire Terrier . Max is an amazing Stud with over 6 successful litters ,he is 3 years old under 4 lbs short legs and body ,AKC DNA certified and registered . Max is ...Read More

Ivy Cane Kennel

Ivy Cane Kennel
Bakersfield, California 93306

Romeo is a traditional Yorkie with a beautiful cotton coat(teddy bear hair). His temperament is as unique, he’s very sensitive, easily entertained, never has shown any aggressive behavior. He gets alo...Read More

Sherri Wyandt - Yorkshire Terrier Stud

Sherri Wyandt - Yorkshire Terrier Stud
Roseville, California 95747

Olaf is a 5.5 lb pure bred Yorkie. He is 5 yrs old. Blue/Silver and Tan. He is AKC registered. His mother is Black and Tan and dad is all tan/blond. He loves the outdoors. Shy at first but sweet littl...Read More

Megan Butler - Yorkshire Terrier Stud

Megan Butler - Yorkshire Terrier Stud
Manteca, California 95337

Hello I am looking to stud my handsome and playful pup. AKC registered Roo is ready to continue on his family bloodline. He weighs 7 pounds. He has a black/silver (blue) coat with tan as well, is hair...Read More

Whitney Shugart - Yorkshire Terrier Stud

Whitney Shugart - Yorkshire Terrier Stud
Ceres, California 95307

I have 2 AKC papered female Yorkies that I would like to have bred. They are both 2 yrs old. One is silver and black coloring, other one is gold and black in coloring. Please contact via text or email...Read More