If you are looking for a Miniature Schnauzer for stud you have come to the right website as you can search by both breed and location here. If you can't find the stud you need, be sure to check our breeder listings for availability as they don't always advertise their individual stud dogs.
If you are in need of Miniature Schnauzer stud services it will almost always require a contract. This will often require a fee or in some cases the 'pick of the litter'. There may also be time limits to your contract so be sure that the female is in heat and ready to mate and be sure to ask about the consequences of an unsuccessful breeding. We provide a free ad service for stud dog breeders.
Eddie was born June 5th 2014, he is adorable, handsome and very smart dog. He is 6 and ready for his first stud. He has been raised at home and his dads work, since they are pet friendly. He is used t...Read More
Normiss is a teacup/toy Schnauzer with a great personality. He loves affection and to be the alpha. Born 02/04/2019. He's never been studded, but he's ready and up to date on all shots. Friend...Read More
Hello everyone, Monty is a 10 month old salt and pepper miniature schnauzer. He is a very active, and smart, sweet boy. We are looking to mate preferably with another miniature schnauzer. Our fee is ...Read More
Buck is an AKC mini Schnauzer in black and is almost 3. He is very smart, good with ALL types of people and animals. He loves small kids and small pets. He is a ball of love and is very playful. He ha...Read More
Salt and Pepper mini schnauzer, 15 lbs. Date whelped 7-19-18. AKC RN32761903. Sire: silver Grand Champion Earthsong Remedy For The Blues - RN13232501. Dam: Champion Schottzies She Shoots She Scores - ...Read More
AKC Chocolate/Liver Tiny T Cup, Liver Tan Merele T Cup, & Liver/Chocolate Parti Toy, and Black Mega Coat Mini Schnauzer males available for stud service. They all are very mega to super coated, perfec...Read More
Proven AKC salt n pepper stud named RIO! Quiet Loving Family pet-Happy and Healthy.. Raised in Colorado and Now living in Englewood Florida. Throws Beautiful pups with nice dispositions and confirmati...Read More
Male AKC registered Miniature Schnauzer. 2 1/2 years old. Salt and Pepper coloring. $600 stud fee. from Georgia. 18 lbs. Great temperament. Male AKC registered Miniature Schnauzer. 2 1/2 years old. Sa...Read More