Golden Retriever Studs in California

If you are looking for a Golden Retriever in California for stud you have come to the right website as you can search by both breed and location here. If you can't find the stud you need be sure to check our breeder listings as they don't always advertise their individual stud dogs.


If you are in need of Golden Retriever stud services it will almost always require a contract. This will often require a fee or in some cases the 'pick of the litter'. There may also be time limits to your contract so be sure that the female is in heat and ready to mate and be sure to ask about the consequences of an unsuccessful breeding.

We provide a free ad service for dog breeders to advertise their Golden Retriever studs in Fresno, Oakland, San Diego, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Sacremento, Pomona, San Jose, Orange County and anywhere else in California.

Summer - Golden Retriever Stud

Summer - Golden Retriever Stud
Sacramento, California 95765

Winston "Blue" is a tremendously sweet playful golden! He has a nice "blocky" head and beautiful longer/fluffier coat. (Which everyone he meets absolutely loves!!) genetically tested v...Read More

Golden One

Golden One
Riverside, California 92508

AKC, Standard Golden Retriever in Excellent health --- OFA clearance.. 3 years old. Strong -- 80lbs. Proven STUD DOG produced beautiful puppies. References are available upon request. Smart, handsome,...Read More


Whittier, California 90602 9060

Buddy, is an extremely loving and well behaved Dark Golden Retriever, Born 7/15/2020. Buddy is AKC registered with certified pedigree, Vet checked, Gene cleared and weighs 80-85 lbs. He is professiona...Read More

Rocklin Goldens

Rocklin Goldens
Sacramento, California 95765

Murphy is a purebred (AKC Certified) Golden Retriever. We have full registration and breeding rights. Murphy embodies all the desirable qualities of this beloved breed, making him an exceptional choic...Read More

Cathy - Golden Retriever Stud

Cathy - Golden Retriever Stud
Sacramento, California 95765

Theodore is a beautiful American Golden Retriever. Weighing in at about 70-75lbs. Theodore is an amazing dog and hands down one of the gentlest goldens around! He is SUPER sweet, playful & enjoys all ...Read More

Rocklin Goldens

Rocklin Goldens
Sacramento, California 95765

Theodore is a beautiful American Golden Retriever. Weighing in at about 70-75lbs. Theodore is an amazing dog and hands down one of the gentlest goldens around! He is SUPER sweet, playful & enjoys all ...Read More

Cathy M - Golden Retriever Stud

Cathy M - Golden Retriever Stud
Sacramento, California 95765

Registered AKC Golden Retriever. Wesley born 7/11/19 weighs between 70-75lbs -- Extremely well behaved, super gentle and sweet loving boy looking for his date night. He is very playful, eager to pleas...Read More

Amanda - Golden Retriever Stud

Amanda - Golden Retriever Stud
Exeter, California 93221

Cooper is a sweet and handsome full bred Golden retriever with AKC. He has a wonderful disposition and is easily trained. He is 2 years old and ready to stud! He weighs 50lbs and is very healthy. This...Read More