English Bulldog for Stud

If you are looking for a English Bulldog for stud you have come to the right website as you can search by both breed and location here. If you can't find the stud you need, be sure to check our breeder listings for availability as they don't always advertise their individual stud dogs.

If you are in need of Bulldog stud services it will almost always require a contract. This will often require a fee or in some cases the 'pick of the litter'. There may also be time limits to your contract so be sure that the female is in heat and ready to mate and be sure to ask about the consequences of an unsuccessful breeding. We provide a free ad service for stud dog breeders.

Angelina - English Bulldog Stud

Angelina - English Bulldog Stud
Glendale, Arizona 85301

Mufasa is almost 3 and we are ready to stud him out. This will be his first time he is very friendly and is very healthy and playful. We can negotiate price for a stud fee or possibly get pick of the ...Read More

Excalibur Bullies

Excalibur Bullies
Weeki Wachee, Florida 34613

Adonis Creed - Full Suited Lilac Tri 11 months old. Not proven yet but look at his STATS! Be the first to prove him with your litter. Health test clear HUU, DM, CMRI Posher pedigree back him Son of Ch...Read More


Los Angeles, California 91324

A nice bulldog look with just a little bit of beagle . Mom weighs about 45lbs, dad weighs 60lbs and is an AKC English bulldog. Has had a good vet check,vaccines, dewormed, microchip and health guarant...Read More

Theresa McCluskey - English Bulldog Stud

Theresa McCluskey - English Bulldog Stud
Payson, Arizona 85541

Tank is a wonderful brindle AKC registered stud. He 5 yr old. Very sctive, strong and lean. He has great personality and loves to be with his owners. He loves to play soccer and tug if war. Stud fee n...Read More

Yvette Trejo - English Bulldog Stud

Yvette Trejo - English Bulldog Stud
Phoenix, Arizona 85033

Name is Rex he is a lovable, energetic and playful personality, and a SWEETHEART 1yrd old weighs 65lbs Is AKC registered I would like first pick if resulting litter Or stud fee He is a healthy boy He ...Read More

Mel Gonzalez - English Bulldog Stud

Mel Gonzalez - English Bulldog Stud
Colton, California 92410

2 yr. old English Bulldog up for stud. Bruce is very muscular, playful, and friendly; has AKC papers and from registered top breed parents. Color Fawn brindle and white. Stud fee is $900, shipping ava...Read More

Legacy kennel

Legacy kennel
Chicago, Illinois 60148

Zeus is a 2yr Chocolate Tri Merle. If you are looking to upgrade your program he is the one. He is short, compact with amazing structure and AKC registered. His father is Kobe and he is ready to work,...Read More


Palmdale, California 93551

Hello this is Guero an AKC registered English bulldog. Guero is a Blue Tri Merle He is now 1 year and 6 months, his birthday is march 2022 and is ready to go. He is healthy and a super loving boy just...Read More