If you are looking for a Cane Corso in California for stud you have come to the right website as you can search by both breed and location here. If you can't find the stud you need be sure to check our breeder listings as they don't always advertise their individual stud dogs.
.If you are in need of Italian Mastiff stud services it will almost always require a contract. This will often require a fee or in some cases the 'pick of the litter'. There may also be time limits to your contract so be sure that the female is in heat and ready to mate and be sure to ask about the consequences of an unsuccessful breeding.
We provide a free ad service for dog breeders to advertise their Cane Corso studs in Fresno, Oakland, San Diego, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Sacremento, Pomona, San Jose, Orange County and anywhere else in California.
We have 2 male AKC Cane Corsos. 2 1/2 years old. One all black with brown eyes weighing 135lbs and One grey with light eyes weighing 134 lbs. Mother was all grey weighing 120lbs and father was all bla...Read More
6 year old Cane Corso stud. Looking to stud out my male. Whe are in southern California Los Angeles area. He has good temperament. He's up to date on all vaccinations. He's gray in color and s...Read More
Titan is a 170 pound 17 months old Grey Cane Corso. Very protective very active, with good temperament. AKC certified from champion bloodline who has had all his shots. His relatives are traced back t...Read More
Khumo the Pure Breed Cane Corso Solid Black Coat AKC Registered All medical documents available Born on 12/1/2020 100 lbs. $2500 Stud Fee Pre-approve Bitches only. Very Handsome Cane Corso Amazing stu...Read More
Formentino Regal’s Vitoccini AKC & ICCF 4/24/2020 100 lbs. working corso All raw diet Extremely protective. Soon to compete in PSA $3000. No questions asked or $1500 & first pick Litter. Pre approve B...Read More
Adonis is pure bred Cane Corso. He is healthy and up to date with all its shots. He is very handsome and smart. He is very attentive to to and tends to be very protective. He gets along with dogs and ...Read More
Maui is beautiful fawn Cane Corso. 1 year and 6 months old. About 135lbs. Maui is a great family dog and very protective. No AKC papers. Up to date with all his shots and no health problems. Smart and...Read More
No papers but full bred Brendan cane corso 4 years 10 months 150lbs. He is ready to breed he is smart loves people ! Good protector! Looking to breed him ASAP ! From Santa Ana California. Looking for ...Read More