creelkennel - California

Brenda Creel
California 92504
American Kennel Club
Champion Line
Health Guarantee

Our kennel is dedicated to breeding healthy and socialized Rottweiler’s with excellent temperament for obedience, conformation, and wonderful companions. We have a Licensed Dog Kennel on 2 ½ acres, in Riverside California. My adult Rottweiler’s are AKC, with OFA Certification on their Hips, Elbows, Hearts, and Eye Cerf. Shipping is available. We have 8 Rottweiler’s in our family right now and plan on adding to that in the future. The well being of this wonderful breed is our goal. It is a true honor to be a breeder of this fantastic breed. We love our Rott’s and hope you will too. please go on my website to see all the pictures of my dogs and future puppy's.