If you are looking for a Goldendoodle in Indiana for stud you have come to the right website as you can search by both breed and location here. If you can't find the stud you need be sure to check our breeder listings as they don't always advertise their individual stud dogs.
If you are in need of Goldendoodle stud services it will almost always require a contract. This will often require a fee or in some cases the 'pick of the litter'. There may also be time limits to your contract so be sure that the female is in heat and ready to mate and be sure to ask about the consequences of an unsuccessful breeding.
We provide a free ad service for dog breeders to advertise their Goldendoodle studs in Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Gary, South Bend and anywhere else in Indiana.
STUD SERVICE (Not For Sale) Murphy was born 2/7/22. Proven Stud He is a perfect combination of Poodle and Golden Retriever. He has been DNA and Health Tested through Embark! Murphy’s results are compl...Read More
Dingo is a 63 lb Goldendoodle. He is about 30 inches tall from his shoulder to the ground. This gentle giant would make great puppies for any family. He is patient, gentle, great with kids, playful, a...Read More
Finnley is an F1 Goldendoodle stud. He is: a proven stud, three years old, intelligent, gentle, goofy, and fun. His coat is butterscotch-red with a white chest, he also had white paws and a white mark...Read More
Black Goldendoodle. Mother full golden retriever, father standard black and white poodle. Sammy is very good natured and friendly. He was born July23 2017. He is mostly black with a small amount of wh...Read More
Parker is the star of our family. 1 yr. 8 months old. He is a beautiful cream colored f1b Mini Goldendoodle standing 19" at the shoulders and weighing 37 lbs. He has a curly to wavy non-shedding c...Read More