Cairn Terrier for Stud

If you are looking for a Cairn Terrier for stud you have come to the right website as you can search by both breed and location here. If you can't find the stud you need, be sure to check our breeder listings for availability as they don't always advertise their individual stud dogs.

If you are in need of Cairn Terrier stud services it will almost always require a contract. This will often require a fee or in some cases the 'pick of the litter'. There may also be time limits to your contract so be sure that the female is in heat and ready to mate and be sure to ask about the consequences of an unsuccessful breeding. We provide a free ad service for stud dog breeders.

Camille Cooper - Cairn Terrier Stud

Camille Cooper - Cairn Terrier Stud
Madisonville, Louisiana 70447

Toto is 1 year old and in fine condition for presentation to a willing female. Toto resides in Louisiana and is willing to travel or accommodate a female in his home. Toto is AKC certified. He lives w...Read More

DeAmber - Cairn Terrier Stud

DeAmber - Cairn Terrier Stud
San Antonio, Texas 78023

9 1/2 month old rd and brown male purebred. Gunner is Healthy, energetic, playful and good temperament. He loves children and loves to fetch and follow commands. He is super fast when running and love...Read More

Dylan Rose - Cairn Terrier Stud

Dylan Rose - Cairn Terrier Stud
Coldwater, Ohio 45828

Winston is a stud and raring to go. He is half cairn terrier and half Minnie poodle. He is well mannered and great with kids and other dogs. He was born on Oct. 6th 2020 and weights 14 lbs. and is ful...Read More

Jake Welker - Cairn Terrier Stud

Jake Welker - Cairn Terrier Stud
Coos Bay, Oregon 97420

***Not Yet Available*** Moby Tiberius will be available for scheduling once he is 7 months of age on November 14th, 2018. We are now currently filling his Fall '18 and Spring '19 schedule. Thi...Read More