Meet pippin! Our handsome 5lb red miniature schnauzer standing at stud. This guy is available to other schnauzers, poodles etc. weighing no more than 12 lbs ( due to his small size) he is registered through the American kennel club with a full AKC registration. This guy is a shy breeder and because of his size sometimes needs some help so you will most likely need to leave your female with us for a couple of hours or wait in your car while he does his thing in our puppy room where he feels most comfortable (for our safety we will not allow anyone into our home) . We offer 2 ties and recommend planning for days 11 and 13 of your females heat however you are more than welcome to have your female progesterone tested to pin point the best day to have her bred. This boy has sired 6 beautiful litters and is a carrier of most colors including red, liver, black, phantoms, partis, etc. please keep in mind if your female does not carry these recessive genes as well they will not produce those colors however their puppies will carry them and could produce those colors when they’re breeding age. We now keep him shaved down year round so these photos are just to show his beautiful red coloring when his coat is somewhat grown out. *again He will not look the same in person as he is currently shaved down* the first two photos are pippin and the rest are some of his gorgeous offspring. we do have one of his daughters on site with her hair beautifully grown out so you could get an idea of what his offspring look like with full coat in person. He is available for stud service for $1,300 without litter registration or $2,000 with the registration of the litter. Stud fee is to be paid up front in cash only before first tie occurs. (No payment = no breeding) Picture proof of tie will be taken for record. We are located in madera.please send me a text message with the size and breed of your female when ready! (909)674-3951