Doberman Pinscher Stud - Saint Charles, Missouri

Jessica a kamen
Saint Charles
Missouri 63301 6330

American Kennel Club
Champion Line
Vet Checked

Raja Barlow is a decendent of champions in the show world. Raja is 13 months old and we wld like to stud him to another AKC registered full blooded dobie female. Raja is a 97lb hunk of a dog. Yes he is a big boy. He started off as the runt of the litter. Now he is the biggest one out of all of em. Or so the breeder has told me. Raja is wonderful with kids. He takes a huge interest in children. He's calm for the most part, but very protective guardian. Raja is a one family dog. Raja is very smart and has got a beautiful disposition. I don't show him because I've had a brain injury, but he's a handsome boy! He's got the stance of a show dog. He's playful and intuitive. He's protective when he needs to b. If we r at home? And someone knocks on the door? He is zero to a He's good with other dogs and he is just curious about them. He's good with cats, for the most part. He is real curious about them too! Lol raja is fifth generation of AKC champions. Full blooded dobie. We r asking 3000 and a puppy if we so desire...