Watson is a big boned beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog. He comes from great European bloodlines with many champions but what makes him so great is his sweet laidback temperament. He is an extraordinary 125 lb lapdog who is a big love!
He is a proven stud and throws beautiful pups. He is exactly what you want in a Berner- sweet, goofy, big boned, healthy and happy boy.
He is AKC registered, vWD1 clear, OFA Hips Good and Elbows Normal. DM – carrier not affected. BernerGarde # 154128. Born 10-8-2017
Watson’s Dam is an import from Spain with champion bloodlines and his Sire is from Canada with many champions in his lines and ancestors even from the famed Stokerybos kennels in Belgium and von Rijkenspark kennel in the Netherlands
Females must have good clearances and send photos. $4,000 fee or possibly a puppy back option from the right female.
Approved females only. $3000 fee or puppy back option.
Contact mountainhomeberners@gmail.com or call 541-699-6474.