Sawyer is our beautiful and oh so loving registered chocolate standard poodle. He has a kind and gentle personality and is very calm. He is smart and is easy to train. He is current on all vaccinations and has been vet checked. His past puppies have been extremely healthy, loving and intelligent. We ask for 1/2 the price of a puppy at breeding and the remainder when the puppies are 8 weeks old and begin to leave for their new homes. We are willing to work with families by meeting part way if driving is an issue. Feel free to contact us with any questions. Sawyer’s past puppies can be seen on our Facebook page Shaggy Bark Goldendoodles. He has produced chocolate, chocolate phantom, sable, sable phantom and black babies. He has bred Goldendoodles, Australian Shepherd, labradoodles, and golden retrievers. His smallest litter was 7 and largest 12.