
Dachshund Breeders in Florida

Our Dog Breeder directory is the ultimate source of listings for breeders in North America. Look here to find a Dachshund breeder close to youFlorida who may have puppies for sale or a male dog available for stud service. If you are looking for puppies for sale or a particular stud dog in your area you can also check our puppies for sale and stud dog sections

We provide a free lising service for Dachshund breeders to advertise their puppies in Jacksonville, Miami, St Petersburg, Orlando, Tampa and anywhere else in Florida.

Tradewind dachshunds

Tradewind dachshunds Dachshund breeder
Treasure coast, Florida 34956 3495

If you are looking for the best quality miniature dachshunds then look no further. We pride ourselves in the fact that we breed for healthy, strong, happy dogs. A dog that will give you years of enjoy...Read More

Tradewind Doxies

Tradewind Doxies Dachshund breeder
Fort Pierce, Florida 34950

Please call or text me at 7728287188. I rarely get messages from here. We specialize in miniature dachshunds of smooth, long hair. We have most colors including true English Creams. We have most patte...Read More

Cynthia's Akc Toy & Miniature Dachshunds

Cynthia's Akc Toy & Miniature Dachshunds Dachshund breeder
Panama City, Florida 32408

Specializing in longhaired AKC Toy & Miniature Dachshunds that are raised and bred inside our home. Parents and puppies are handled with tender loving care each day and well socialized with others...Read More