Posh Wash Dog Wash - Glendale, Arizona

Posh Wash Dog Wash
5940 W. Union Hills Drive, Ste. A-100
Arizona 85308
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We offer self-serve wash as well as full-service grooming. The purpose of Posh Wash Dog Wash LLC self-serve dog wash is to provide you with a safe and comfortable environment to bathe your pet. Special elevated tubs eliminate the bending and stooping. Special mixers blend water and shampoo or conditioner to shower your dog with a soothing, refreshing mixture. Leave the mess to us and take home your sparkling clean pet. Our caring staff will clean and disinfect between each client, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience for all. For those occasions when you require full service grooming or you just don't feel like doing it yourself, Posh Wash Dog Wash LLC provides full service grooming. Let our caring professional pamper your dog with your choice of a full array of grooming services. To provide for the health and safety of all, proof of vaccinations is required.

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