Our trainer, Debbie DeSantis, CPDT, has trained dogs and been a canine behavior consultant for over 18 years. She is a certified pet dog trainer who passed the only nationally licensing exam for dog trainers, which is administered by the Certification Council For Pet Dog Trainers.
She is also a professional member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers.
Additionally, she writes a column about dog training and behavior on the third Wednesday of each month called "Dog Talk" for The News of Delaware County. She has also written dog training articles for PhillyFit magazine and other publications.
Debbie is also authorized to administer the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizen Test. Employing positive methods, she has successfully trained and solved problem behaviors in many breeds and mixes of dogs, from toy dogs through giant working breeds.
She belongs to dog training clubs and is veterinarian, groomer, and shelter-recommended.
Debbie also regularly attends seminars and reviews the latest literature on dog training and behavior.
Debbie also has actively shown her dogs in obedience competitions. She has nationally-ranked shih tzu, shelties, and lhasa apso. Her dogs have ranked first through fourth nationally in their class for their breed and have attained some of the highest American Kennel Club obedience titles. In addition, Debbie and her canines have received many placements and high-scoring honors during their obedience careers. One of her dogs is a conformation Champion and has received many honors, including Best of Breed. She has also obtained titles and awards in the United Kennel Club.
Even though she shows her dogs in competitions, she believes that's just the "icing on the cake" and that the day-to-day relationship with our dogs is the most important aspect of having a dog. She also believes in helping save dogs and actively helps with dog rescue.
Debbie believes that the human-canine bond should be maximized. She is often out at shopping centers and other public places with her dogs to socialize them and to demonstrate to others how intelligent and exceptional all dogs are--and what they can be.
They just need the BEST, EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE TRAINING METHODS used!! In addition to their many other activities, Debbie and her dogs also engage in trick training and entertain many people.
Debbie's "canine pack" consisted of a shih tzu, two rescue lhasa apsos, two Shetland sheepdogs, a Belgian tervuren, and a rescue golden retriever. Five of her dogs are therapy dogs.
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