Scooby Do's Grooming Salon - Elk River, Minnesota

Scooby Do's Grooming Salon
18857 Freeport St
Elk River
Minnesota 55330
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Scooby Do's is Elk River’s premier dog and cat grooming location. We are your pets number one source for pet grooming. Pet Grooming Services Offered: Nail Trims & Dremeling Spa Packages Medicated Baths Hot Oil Treatments Anal Gland Expressions Hand Scissoring Baths & Haircuts Scooby Do’s is a full service pet grooming business dedicated to consistently providing high customer satisfaction by providing excellent service, quality products, and furnishing an enjoyable atmosphere at an acceptable price/value relationship. We will also maintain a friendly, fair, and creative work environment, which respects diversity, ideas, and hard work. Our satisfied customers trust Scooby Do's to make sure their dog or cat never has a bad hair day!

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