Trevspupshome - RICHMOND, Virginia

740 W Broad St
Virginia 23298
Services Provided:
Micro Chipping
Pet Taxi
Pooper Scooper


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Teacup Poodle Puppies Now Available in all colors. Reg, friendly and potty trained. All of our teacup poodle puppies for sale will come with a Two-years health guarantee along with their health records, a puppy starter kit with a free towel and blanket compliments of Puppies By Design. Before going to their new home, our toy poodle puppies will have a veterinary examination including but not limited to coat & skin, eyes, ears, nose & throat, mouth, teeth, gums, legs & paws, heart, abdomen, lungs, and the gastrointestinal & urogenital systems. Get the best discount with Fast shipment to all destinations. Only send your inquiry at 434-233-5310

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