MeadowView Kennels - Appleton, Wisconsin

Greg Harrison
MeadowView Kennels
W5037 Rock Road
Wisconsin 54913 8725
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MeadowView Kennels is located between Appleton and Black Creek. Providing dog boarding in clean, comfortable dog kennels and dog kennel suites.
While your dog is staying with us, why not have them groomed as well? We offer bathing, brushing, nail clipping and ear cleaning.

Bathing and Brushing - $18
Nail Clipping / Ear Cleaning - $5
**Prices are subject to change based on size, coat condition and temperament.

Other Services

Pick Up / Delivery available within 15 miles of our location. One Way - $15, Round Trip - $25
Dog Walks
One on One Playtime
Retriever Puppies

Call or Email us for availability of Labrador Puppies or when our next litter is expected.

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