Doggieville Ranch - Redmond, Oregon

Trudy Gardner
Doggieville Ranch
20920 Kachina Avenue
Oregon 97756
Services Provided:
Pet Taxi


Rating: 5 stars

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Doggieville Ranch is a kennel free, in home, boarding option on 5.5 acres in Redmond, Oregon.

We are located minutes from downtown Redmond and minutes north of Bend.

We offer doggie daycare, boarding and training. We also offer a board and train option.

We are a VIP service for dogs. No kennels, 24/7 supervision, fun-filled days.

Katye Hick (9/13/2016)

Awesome! Perfection! My dogs love it!
Rating: 5 stars
What a wonderful place for dogs. These people got it right. They are 100% professional and focused on making each dog's experience is magic and wonderful!

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