Dogaholick is a low stress, professional place for your dog grooming needs! Call us today!
Bring your dog in for a stress free grooming experience from a certified groomer today!
We’re Dogaholick Dog Grooming located in Westbrook, just minutes outside of Portland Maine. Call us today for an appointment!
Here at Dogaholick we have a few simple rules;
1) The dogs and their owners come first - Many groomers will agree to do something that may not be in the pet’s best interests simply to get your business. If you ask for something your pet doesn’t need; I will tell you.
2) Keep it professional - I am an experienced, certified groomer with my degree in small business. Before becoming a dog groomer I worked in several different sectors of the pet industry. I’ve worked at a Vet’s office, animal shelter and one of the largest K9 campuses in the Finger Lakes region. Running my own business has been a long time dream of mine. I promise that both you and your pet will be treated with the same professional candor that I would expect for my own pets.
3) Keep it clean - The place where your dog gets it’s hair cut should be no less clean than where you get yours cut!
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