Dee-Tails Doggie Daycare & Boarding - Plainwell, Michigan

Bridgett Dee
Dee-Tails Doggie Daycare & Boarding
610 Allegan St
Michigan 49080
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Boarding is open 24 hours, 7 days a week. Pick up and drop off times are scheduled by reservations. Daycare hours are Monday through Friday 7am to 7pm. Dee-Tails is a cage-free, homestyle Dog House where social dogs can come to play and have fun in a safe, clean and supervised environment while sniffing out new friendships.Our daycare, like the rest of the Dog House is cage-free. Our indoor play area has been equipped with Tenderfoot ® Anti-Fatigue Recycled Rubber Flooring to reduce the amount of stress on your dog's joints, back and muscles. And of course, it is temperature controlled. It is designed for social dogs to get exercise, socialize, play and have fun. As a guest of cage-free boarding, your four-legged family member has access to the entire Dog House as if he were at home.

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