American Mantrailing, Police & Work Dog Association (AMPWDA) presents their 2014 National Spring K9 Conference (Apr 27th - May 3rd) - This seminar is for all skill levels - Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. There will be 4 areas of focus - Man Trailing, Human Remains Detection (HRD), Evidence Detection Dog (EDD), and Police Service Dog (PSD). We will be training all day in the field with special optional classes & activities in the evening. Two very special classes are being offered at this conference - Crime Scene Preservation (Presented by Law Enforcement Officer who works in violent crime division for a major metropolitan city - and - K9 First Aid Essentials (Presented by a world-renowned professor of veterinary medicine). Mantrailing Certification opportunities will be available for all levels as well as HRD & EDD Certification. PSD offers numerous certification options and you don't have to be law enforcement to participate - civilians welcome. After a full day of training, you can choose from various optional activities, including discussion groups on various topics or just relax. We have first rate pet-friendly accommodations and excellent classroom facilities. Please join us for a great week of fun for both you and your K9. Instruction will be headed up by our five Master Trainers: Tony Keith, Dave Wheeler, John Holcomb, Ron Handke and Mike Swindle. These five have over 100 years of combined professional K-9 experience. Read their bios - More info at
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