Paradise Dog Training - Fenton, Michigan

Lori & Jack Grigg
Paradise Dog Training
PO Box 335
Michigan 48430
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Paradise Dog Training trains Assistance dogs for every disability other than visually impaired.Including Autism, hearing impaired, closed head injuries and Diabetic Response Dogs. We have trained Assistance dogs for clients with M.S, spinal chord injuries and Muscular Dystrophy. We have also trained Assistance Dogs for Veterans with PTSD. We also train Facility/Therapy dogs for schools, hospitals, and other in house facility's that could utilize a Therapy dog. We have placed the first hospital owned Facility/Therapy dog and also the first school owned Facility/Therapy dog. We teach Obedience classes in Milford Mi. starting with the beginner up to our advanced class. We even have Bedbug detection dogs for household and commercial inspections. And we also train & sell Bedbug Detection dogs so a company can have their own working K-9 on hand.

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