Hyer Luv Kennel And Groomers - Rockford, Michigan

Fred And Sam Hyer
Hyer Luv Kennel And Groomers
7995 Myers Lake Ave Ne
Michigan 49341
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Hyer Luv Kennel and Groomers proud to be PawHeart of the Family since 1993 in Rockford Michigan. A FAMILY not a staff care for your fur children as if our own. Climate controled,playtime and lead outside to "do their business" (just like at home) at no additional charge, open 7 days a week. Lifetime Pet Care Services member, Rockford Chamber member,writer for the Rockford Squire on pet care topics, Lecturer to the Grooming industry and dog show handler and judge. The Hyer's take pet care as a passion not a profession. Shouldn't you give your best fur child a Hyer Luv.

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