Whispering Pines Boarding Facility - Cottonwood, Alabama

Whispering Pines Boarding Facility
2087 Dyras Rd
Alabama 36320
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Whispering Pines will be opening in December of 2009. We offer full service boarding and grooming for your cherished family friends while your away. We offer your canine friend his/her own private indoor/outdoor kennel/run. The indoor kennel has a cushioned floor to prevent bone stiffness associated with lying on bare concrete. The out door run provides your baby the ability to have free access to going outside to relieve themself when THEY feel the need. This also eliminates cross contamination from other dogs who unknowingly have parasites. We also have a seperate play area so they can stretch their legs, play with toys, or in the summer, play in the doggie pool.We feed your friend Purinia Dog Chow if they are over one year of age, and Purinia Puppy Chow if under one year, or you are welcome to bring your pets food if they are on a special diet. We feed both morning and evening, with a mid-morning, and evening snack. We feel this lessens the chance of your pet getting an upset tummy. We provide comfortable bedding and plenty of toys for your friends, but you are welcome to bring any beds, toys that you feel will make your baby the most comfortable. For our feline friends we offer a seperate room away from our canine friends. Their room is bright and cheerful, and set up with a fun play area to keep them busy and happy. The entire room is kept fresh by filtered air throughout. Every kitty is allowed time out of their cages every day to play in the "kitty fun zone". We offer toys, bedding and treats for our feline friens as well. We board "other" family friends as well. Please feel free to call us to find out if we can board your special friend. If you would like additional information, or like to make reservations for Christmas, please call us at 334-691-3309, and leave your name and contact number and we will return your call. Thank you, and we look forward to servig you and you friends in the near future!!!

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