Our Dog Breeder directory is the ultimate source of listings for Aussie breeders in the North America. Look here to find a Australian Shepherd Dog breeder who may have puppies for sale or a male dog available for stud service close to you. If you are looking for puppies for sale or particular stud dog in your area you can also check our puppies for sale and stud dog sections
Heart2Heart Pups (LLC) is registered with the state of Georgia Georgia State (GDA) licensed Dog Breeder/ Pet Dealer/ Online Store, specializing in Australian Shepherd and Mini American Shepherd and Mi...Read More
At Walkabout Aussies, we take great pride in breeding Toy, Miniature and Standard Australian Shepherd dogs for people across the United States and Canada. We have many years of experience providing lo...Read More
Beautiful litter of pups with Champion bloodlines. Our ultimate goal at High Sierra is meet the standard of what the Australian Shepherd breed should be, which means raising mentally and physically ca...Read More
360 Aussies - Our goal is to produce Quality Purebred Puppies that will have a great desire to please their owners and be lifelong companions. Sire & Dam are AKC / ASCA / IACBA Registered & IACBA Cham...Read More
AKC / ASCA Registered Australian Shepherds - Our goal is to produce quality purebred puppies that will have a great desire to please owners and be lifelong companions. 360 Puppies are very versatile: ...Read More
Breeder of pet quality, ASDR registered Mini Australian Shepherds (Mini Aussies), in the Pacific Northwest, specifically in the Willamette Valley. We do NOT remove dewclaws, nor do we dock tails. Mom ...Read More
Welcome to Trinity Australian Shepherds! We are located in Northern California, our dogs don’t just compete in conformation.They also compete in other venus! Our Aussies live on a ranch and get a long...Read More
We are a small hobby breeder located in Southeastern Indiana. We raise a few litters of AKC & ASCA Australian Shepherds a year. All my adult dogs are OFA & CERF (yearly). Our dogs are our pets...Read More